
Google’s Self-Driving Cars Won’t Work In Heavy Rain Or On Most Roads

It seems that Google may be facing a bumpier ride with self-driving cars than initially expected.
google car driverless self-drivingAn MIT Technology Review report released last week said that the cars rely so much on maps and detailed data that they can’t drive themselves around 99% of the USA. It’s not a promising outlook for Google’s new project.

Apple Just Unlocked A Big Mystery About How The App Store Works

But Apple published a report last week that unlocked some of the mystery behind how the App Store operates. It outlined the main reasons why apps were rejected from its store.
Tim CookThat doesn’t sound like much but Apple is notoriously tight-lipped about the App Store. For example, Apple doesn’t offer a full disclosure on what variables it uses to compile its app charts. Even some of Apple’s own employees regard the App Store as an “impenetrable jungle.”
Earlier this month, Apple told CNBC that its App Store revenue figures for July were record-setting. Distimo estimates that Apple’s app revenues are about $870 million per month, and that the App Store has a 62% share of the market.

App Lets People Wearing Google Glass See Your True Emotions

How are you feeling today? Now someone else wearing Google Glass can answer that question for you.
ShoreIn an attempt to sidestep any privacy concerns surrounding the app, the developers have promised not send any images or data to the cloud. SHORE also prohibits you from being able to find out anyone’s identity through it.